The Annals of February 2009

25 Feb

Confessions of a Download Addict

MMIX Anno Domini

I have a confession, but first some background information. Computers have played a large role in my life. My parents purchased our first PC when I was eight years old, and I immediately latched on. My curiosity spiked and I wanted to learn everything I could about them. I broke them and sometimes learned to fix them, but usually my dad fixed the problem after hours on the phone with tech support. Luckily, this was before everything was outsourced, or it probably still would not be fixed. My knowledge grew, and I eventually became known in my rural West Virginia town as the “computer guy”. I fixed problems at my high school, for friends, family and many other people whom I did not even know. I used my skills to make a little extra money and everyone was happy.

22 Feb

A New Look

MMIX Anno Domini

I finally bit the bullet this weekend, and updated from Flatpress to WordPress. The number of features available for WordPress made the decision very easy, but I didn’t want to put the time into the redesign process. However, I wanted a much more streamlined and simplified look than the old site. I think this pulls […]

15 Feb

MacDonald on America

MMIX Anno Domini

Well, maybe, but I have no proof of it. George MacDonald published The Princess and Curdie in 18831, so I doubt he was referencing America; however, it astounded me to see the relevance of this excerpt for our modern society. It will suffice for the reader to know that Curdie is a young teenager who […]

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