The Annals of September 2008
How do you make decisions? What aspects of life influence them? What experiences have touched you? What purpose drives you? What thoughts run through your head? These questions (and many more) are integral in my discussion of a Christian ethos. I hope and pray to begin building a definition of Christian life and involvement. Using […]
In my meager attempt to outline an examined life, I have now come to one of the most important topics. Education may quite possibly be the greatest support, save the Light of the Triune God opening our eyes to His glory, in our attempt to live an examined life. However, education rarely conjures the same […]
In my last post I pondered the question of an unexamined life and I hope to further that discussion here. To recap, the unexamined life, as Plato describes it through the mouth of Socrates, contains three elements. First, it has no regard for the value, either good or bad, of an action. Second, it places […]