Scrolls Filled Under: Testimony

26 Jul

The Power of Forgiveness

MMX Anno Domini

Stories usually contain suffering or adversity and it adds to the depth of the tale, but sometimes those chapters can distort beauty into cruelty. Those events break hearts and a broken heart cannot be healed without Forgiveness. He possesses great amounts of power. He liberates the prisoner and heals the broken, but he only appears when invited. If the invitation never arrives, his powers will never be manifested, and brokenness turns strength into poison and character becomes bitterness.

13 Jul

My Creative Life Story

MMX Anno Domini
25 Feb

Confessions of a Download Addict

MMIX Anno Domini

I have a confession, but first some background information. Computers have played a large role in my life. My parents purchased our first PC when I was eight years old, and I immediately latched on. My curiosity spiked and I wanted to learn everything I could about them. I broke them and sometimes learned to fix them, but usually my dad fixed the problem after hours on the phone with tech support. Luckily, this was before everything was outsourced, or it probably still would not be fixed. My knowledge grew, and I eventually became known in my rural West Virginia town as the “computer guy”. I fixed problems at my high school, for friends, family and many other people whom I did not even know. I used my skills to make a little extra money and everyone was happy.